Referensi Penelitian Tentang Wakaf
Sebagai lembaga pendidikan berbasis wakaf, Pondok Pesantren Trubus Iman memiliki berbagai buku, jurnal dan artikel tentang wakaf dalam berbagai bahasa sebagai berikut:
Bahasa Indonesia
- Akuntabilitas Sebagai Sebuah Solusi Pengelolaan Wakaf
- Akuntabilitas Pengelola Zakat
- Kuntabilitas Manajemen Pengembangan Tanah Wakaf Yayasan Badan Wakaf Sultan Agung Semarang
- Amalan Saham Wakaf Johor Malaysia
- Analisis Deskriptif Nazir Wakaf
- Analisis Hasil dan Metode Fundrising Wakaf Uang
- Aplikasi Sukuk dalam Usaha Melestarikan Wakaf
- Arah Pembaharuan Hukum Wakaf di Indonesia
- Aspek Hukum Wakaf Uang di Indonesia
- Efektifitas Pengelolaan Tanah Wakaf di Indonesia
- Efektivitas Undang-Undang No 41 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pengaturan Wakaf Produktif
- Eksistensi Badan Wakaf Indonesia BWI Sebagai Pengelola Harta Wakaf di Indonesia
- Ekonomi dan Pendidikan Peranan Institusi Wakaf
- Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Persepsi Nazhir Terhadap Wakaf Uang
- Fatwa Wakaf di Malaysia Analisa Khusus di Negeri Kelantan
- Fundraising Wakaf Pesantren Tebuireng Jombang dan Gontor PonorogoImplementasi Pengelolaan Wakaf Tunai
- Implementasi Total Quality Management dalam Pengelolaan Wakaf di Dompet Dhuafa
- Implementasi Wakaf Produktif di Indonesia Pasca Berlakunya UU No. 41 Tahun 2004 Tentang Wakaf
- Lembaga Wakaf Suatu Solusi Pembiayaan Pendidikan Islam
- Living Hadits Wakaf Menurut Ulama Tradisional dan Modern di Gersik
- Manajemen Efektif Dana Wakaf Produktif
- Manajemen Fundrising Wakaf UII Yogyakarta
- Manajemen Harta Wakaf Produktif dan Investasi dalam Sistem Ekonomi Syariah
- Manajemen Investasi Wakaf Uang
- Manajemen Pengelolaan Proyek Percontohan Wakaf Produktif
- Manajemen Wakaf Di Indonesia
- Maqasid Syariah dalam Pelaksanaan Waqaf
- Mekanisme Wakaf Gagasan Awal Terhadap Pembangunan dan Pembiayaan Pusat Penyelidikan dan Perkembangan Islam Borneo
- Menggiatkan Wakat Uang – Tunai
- Menyoal Profesionalisme Nazhir dan Istibdal dalam Regulasi Perwakafan
- Model Bank Wakaf di Indonesia
- Model Manajemen Fundraising Wakaf
- Model Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Bandha Wakaf Masjid Agung Semarang
- Optimalisasi Peran Wakaf dalam Pemberdayaan Umkm
- Panduan Pemberdayaan Tanah Wakaf Strategis
- Paradigma Baru Wakaf di Indonesia
- Pedoman Bantuan Midis Billboard Tanah Wakaf
- Pedoman Pengelolaan dan Pengambangan Harta Benda Wakaf Bergerak
- Pedoman Pengelolaan dan Pengambangan Harta Benda Wakaf
- Pedoman Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Wakaf
- Pedoman Pengelolaan Wakaf Tunai
- Pelaburan Wakaf Strategi dan Rangka Kerja Perundangan Islam
- Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Wakaf Korporate Malaysia
- Pelaksanaan Skim Wakaf Tunai Oleh Yayasan Wakaf
- Peluang Wakaf Produktif untuk Pembiayaan Pendidikan Islam
- Pembaharuan Hukum Perwakafan di Indonesia
- Pembangunan Harta Wakaf Pengalaman Negara-Negara Islam
- Pembangunan Tanah Wakaf; Isu, Prospek dan Strategi
- Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Ummat Melalui Wakaf
- Pemerkasaan Wakaf di Malaysia Satu Sorotan
- Pengalaman Majlis Ugama Islam Brunei Dalam Pengurusan Harta Wakaf
- Pengaruh Pengelolaan Wakaf di Mesir Terhadap Pengelolaan Wakaf di Indonesia
- Pengelolaan Wakaf Al Khairat Palu
- Pengelolaan Wakaf Produktif dengan Memanfaatkan Lembaga Perbankan
- Pengelolaan Wakaf Tunai
- Pengelolaan Wakaf Uang dalam Bentuk Reksadana Syariah
- Pengembangan Harta Wakaf Menggunakan Instrumen Sukuk
- Pengembangan Wakaf Sebagai Sumber Modal Usaha
- Pengenalan Konsep Manajemen Dana Wakaf Produktif Pada Diklat Zakat dan Wakaf
- Pengenalan Konsep Manajemen Dana Wakaf Produktif
- Pengurusan Harta Wakaf dan Potensinya Ke Arah Kemajuan Pendidikan Umat Islam di Malaysia
- Pengurusan Wakaf Pendidikan di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia Satu Sorotan Literatur
- Peranan Takaful dalam Penjanaan Wakaf Tunai Sebagai Produk Baru Wakaf
- Peranan Wakaf Dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Umat Islam dan Aplikasinya di Malaysia
- Peranan Wakaf Produktif Dalam Meningkatkan Taraf Hidup Masyarakat Muslim
- Peraturan Badan Wakaf Indonesia Nomor 01 Tahun 2009 Pedoman Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Wakaf Uang
- Peraturan Badan Wakaf Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2008
- Peraturan Pemerintah Tentang Administrasi Wakaf Uang
- Perkembangan Pengelolaan Wakaf di Indonesia Potensi dan Tantangan
- Perkembangan Wakaf Pada Masa Kontemporer
- Petunjuk teknis Pelaksana Bantuan Pembinaan Nazhir dan Lembaga Wakaf
- Politik Hukum Wakaf di Indonesia
- Problematika Pendaftaran Tanah Wakaf
- Refleksi Sistem Distribusi Syariah Pada Lembaga Zakat dan Wakaf dalam Perekonomian Indonesia
- Sengketa Wakaf dan Penyelesaiannya dalam Perspektif Undang-Undang Wakaf No 41 Tahun 2004
- Sertifikat Wakaf Tunai Sebuah Inovasi Instrumen Keuangan Islam
- Sistem Keuangan Publik Berbasis Zakat
- Strategi Pengelolaan Tanah Wakaf
- Strategi Pengembangan Wakaf Tunai di Indonesia
- Studi Tentang Undang-Undang Wakaf Di Indonesia
- Tinjauan Awal Isu-Isu yang Membataskan Penggunaan Wakaf dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Ummah di Malaysia
- Tinjauan Fiqh Muamalat dan Hukum Nasional tentang Wakaf di Indonesia
- Tinjauan Yuridis Tentang Pemanfaatan Tanah Wakaf dalam Perspektif Hukum Positif di Indonesia
- Wakaf dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam
- Wakaf dan Kemandirian Pesantren dari Tebuireng Hingga Gontor
- Wakaf dan Pendidikan di Indonesia
- Wakaf Produktif Sebagai Alternatif Sumber Dana Abadi Bagi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam
- Wakaf Sebagai Alternatif Pendanaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Indonesia
- Wakaf Tunai dalam Hukum Positif dan Prospek Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Syari’ah
- Wakaf Tunai Sebagai Alternatif Redistribusi Keuangan
- Wakaf Tunai Sebagai Salah Satu Sistem Perekonomian Islam
- Zakat dan Kesejahteraan Guru Agama di Pesantren dan Sekolah Diniyah
Bahasa Inggris
- A Conceptual Model for Inter-State Corporate Waqf Financing for Higher Learning
- A Framework for Analysis of Islamic Endowment (Waqf) Laws
- A Waqf Inscription from Ramlah
- Accountability Through Accounting and Reporting Lenses – Lessons from an Awqaf Institution in a Southeast Asia Country
- Adaptation to Changing Circumstances – Perpetual Leases and Exchange Transactions in Waqf Property in Ottoman Algiers
- Alleviation of Poverty among OIC Countries through Sodaqoh Cash Waqf and Public Funding
- Al-Tawhid in Relation to The Economic Order of Microfinance Institutions
- An Empirical Study on The Influence of Islamic Values in Poverty Alleviation
- An Exploratory Study of Waqf Accounting and Management in Indonesian Waqf Institutions
- Analysis on Cash Waqf Return Fund Allocation in Indonesia Acase Study in Indonesian Waqf Deposit
- International Encyclopedia of Civil Society
- Application of Discretion and Certainties in Waqf
- Awqaf in History and Its Implications for Modern Islamic Economies
- Awq?f in Persia – 6th-8th or 12th-14th Centuries
- Awqaf of The Muslim Community in Western Countries
- Breathing New Life into The Contemporary Islamic Waqf
- Cash Awqaf in the Ottomans as Philanthropic Foundations And Their Accounting Practices
- Cash Waqf an Innovative Instrument for Economic Development
- Cash Waqf Historical Evolution, Nature and Role as an Alternative to Riba
- Cash Waqf is it a Usurious Piety
- Cash Waqfs of Bursa, 1555-1823
- Characteristic Affecting Charitable Donations Behavior – Empirical Evidence from Malaysia
- Christian and Jewish Waqf in Palestine during the Late Ottoman Period
- Colonial Intervention & Transformation Of Muslim Waqf Settlements in Urban Penang
- Comment on Some Observations Facing The Interpretation of Waqf as Suwwan Structure
- Contemporary Waqf Administration and Development In Singapore
- Contribution of Islamic Waqf in Poverty Reduction
- Corporate social responsibility Waqf System and Zakat System
- Corporate social responsibility, Waqf system and Zakat System as Faith-Based Model for Poverty Reduction
- Corporate Waqf A Case of Hamdard (Waqf ) Pakistan
- Decentralized Coercion and Self-Restraint in Provincial Taxation – The Ottoman Empire, 15th–16th Centuries
- Detailed Tax Farm Registers and Arrears Registers as Sources of The Waqfs’ Financial Analyses
- Determinants of Cash Waqf Giving in Malaysia Survey of Selected Works
- Development of Human Capital Through Institution of Islamic Waqf
- Drilling The Waqf as Suwwan Impact Structure
- Dynamic Model for Cash Waqf Management as One of The Alternative Instrument for The Poverty Alleveation in Indonesia
- Economics of Cash Waqf Management in Malaysia – A proposed Cash WAQF Model for Practitioners and Future Researchers
- Economics of Philanthropic Institutions, Regulation and Governance in Turkey
- Economics of Philantropic Institutions Regulation and Governance in Turkey
- Endowing Property and Edifying Power in a Red Sea Port – Waqf, Arab Migrant Entrepreneurs, and Urban Authority in Massawa, 1860s-1880s
- Examining The Relationship between Level of Income and Appointment of Agent in Collecting Waqf Fund
- Faith and The State – A history of Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia ( Book)
- Family Waqf Entitlements in British Palestine (1917-1948)
- ‘Fantastic Charities’ – The Transformation of ‘Waqf’ Practice in Colonial Zanzibar
- Financing and Developing The Agricultural Sector Through Cash Waqf – Mudharabah
- Financing and Investment in Awqaf Projects a Non-Technical Introduction
- Financing The Development of Awqaf
- Financing Through Cash-Waqf – a Revitalization to Finance Different Needs
- Financing Universities Through Waqf, Pious Endowment – is it Possible
- Fiqh Issues in The Revival of Waqf
- Fiqh Issues Revival Awqaf
- Formation of Waqf in 3rd Century
- Forty Years without Slumbering – Waqf Politics and Administration in the Gaza Strip, 1948-1987
- Fractionalized Estates in a Centralized Regime – The Holdings of al-Ashraf Qaytb?y and Q?ns?h al-Ghawr? According to Their Waqf Deeds
- Gas, waqf and Barclays Capital a Decade of Resistance in Southern Thailand
- Giving in Egypt – Evolving Charitable Traditions in a Changing Political Economy
- Going Concern – An Implementation inWaqf Institutions (Religious Charitable Endowment)
- Great Mosques, Z?wiyas and Neighborhood Mosques – Popular Beneficiaries of Waqf Endowments in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Aleppo
- Held in Trust – Waqf in the Islamic World
- In Supporting Waqf Performance through Sukuk Al-intifa’a A Proposed Generic Model
- Incidences of Waqf Cases in Three Cairo Courts – 1640-1802
- Incorporated Cash Waqfs and Mudaraba Islamic Non Bank Financial Intruments from The Past to The Future
- Incorporated Cash Waqfs Islamic Non-Bank Financial Instruments from The Past to The Future
- Infaq in The Islamic Economic System
- Innovative Modes of Financing the Development of Waqf Property
- Integrating Zak?t and Waqf into the Poverty Reduction Strategy of the IDB Members Countries
- Integrating Zakat, Waqf and Sadaqah Myint Myat Phu Zin Clinic Model in Myanmar
- Integration of waqf-Islamic microfinance model for poverty reduction – The case of Bangladesh
- Internal Control for Ottoman Foundations
- Islam and Civil Society – The Waqf
- Islam and Commerce-Waqf and the Bazaar of Yazd, Iran (Islam und Handel- Waqf und der Bazar von Yazd, Iran)
- Islam, Land & Property Research Series
- Islamic endowments and the land economy in Singapore – The genesis of an ethical capitalism, 1830–2007
- Islamic Finance – An Introduction
- Islamic Foundations (waqf) in Egypt (Back into Pharaonic Times)
- Islamic Institutions and Property Rights – The Case of the ‘Public Good’ Waqf
- Islamic Perspectives and Muslim Majority Country Practices
- Islamic Philantropy The Cash of Waqf in Poverty Allevation and Social Economic Development
- Issues and Economic Role of Waqf in Higher Education Institution Malaysian Experience
- Latest Developments in The Western Nonprofit Sector and Implications for Islamic Waqfs
- Legal and Shariah Issues in The Application of Wakalah-waqf Model in Takaful Industry – An Analysis
- Lost in the Revolution – Bukharan waqf and Testimony Documents from the Early Soviet Period
- Masters, Their Freed Slaves, and the Waqf in Egypt (Eighteenth-Twentieth Centuries)
- Measures for The Better Management of Awqaf
- Ottoman High Politics and the Ulema Household-Palgrave Macmillan UK (2014)
- Mixed Methods on The Commercialization of Cash Waqf in Nigeria an Analysis of its Implementation
- Old and New Forms of Giving – Understanding Corporate Philanthropy in India
- On Tam?m al-D?r? and His Waqf in Hebron
- On the Mukâta?a Revenues and the Revenue Collection of Bâyezîd II’s Waqf in Amasya
- Operating regimes of the government Accounting and accountability changes in the Sultan Süleyman Waqf of the Ottoman Empire
- Ottoman Cash Waqfs Revisited The Case of Bursa 1555-1823
- Pious Endowments in Medieval Christianity and Islam
- Politics, Education, and Medicine in Eleventh Century Samarkand. A Waqf Study
- Potential of Cash Waqf for Poverty Alleviation in Malaysia a System Dynamics Approach
- Potential of Micro-Waqf as an Inclusive Strategy for Development of a Nation
- Poverty and Charity in Medieval Islam Mamluk Egypt 1250-1517
- Problem of Waqf Administration and Proposals in Improvement
- Problems of Waqf Admin Istration and Proposals for Improvement – A Study In Malaysia
- Property, Authority and Personal Law – Waqf In Colonial South Asia
- Recent Developments in Shari’a Law IX – The Waqf System
- Religion and Volunteering Complex, Contested and Ambiguous Relationships
- Revitalization Of The Role Of Waqf In The Field Of Architecture Activation Of Waqf To Improve The Function Of Public Buildings
- Role of Zakah and Awqaf in Poverty Alleviation
- Scholars, merchants and civil society – Imperative for waqf?based participatory poverty alleviation initiatives in Kano, Nigeria
- Social Impact Finance-Palgrave Macmillan UK (2014)
- Socio-Economic Development Role of Waqf in The 21st Century and Restructuring of its Administration in Bangladesh
- Some Observations Facing The Interpretation of Waqf as Suwwan Structure
- Study of Cash Waqf and Its Impact on Poverty in Iran
- Sustainable architectural conservation according to traditions of Islamic waqf – the World Heritage–listed Stone Town of Zanzibar
- Takaful Wakaf di Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad Sorotan Literatur
- The Birth of a Legal Institution (The Formation of the Waqf in Third-Century A. H. Hanafi Legal Discourse)
- The Clash of Muslims and the State Waqf and Zakat in Post Independence Indonesia
- The Classical Islamic Law of Waqf – A Concise Introduction
- The Concept of Waqf and its Application in an Islamic Insurance Product – The Malaysian Experience
- The Contribution of Waqf to The Preservation of The Power and Wealth of Households
- The Earliest Waqf Foundations
- The Family Waqf and the Shar?? Law of Succession in Modern Times
- The Formation of The Waqf in Third Century
- The Gift of Law Greek Euergetism and Ottoman Waqf
- The Implication of Cash Waqf in The Society
- The Influence of the Islamic Law of Waqf on the Development of the Trust in England – The Case of Merton College
- The Investment of Waqf Land as an Instrument of Muslims’ Economics Development in Malaysia
- The Islamic gracious monetary instruments – a theoretical approach
- The M?lik? Family Waqf according to Wills and Waqfiyy?t
- The Organization of Waqf Documents in Cairo
- The Ottoman Archives as a Source for the History of the Arab Lands
- The Possible Role of Waqf in Ensuring a Sustainable Malaysian Federal Government Debt
- The potential of Cash Waqf concept for Islamic Microfinance
- The Practice and Management of Waqf Education in Malaysia
- The Provision of Public Goods under Islamic Law – Origins, Impact, and Limitations of the Waqf System
- The Relief of Higher Education Loan Through Islamic Waqf Bank
- The Role of Share Waqf in The Socio-Economic Development of The Muslim Community – The Malaysian experience
- The Role of Share Waqf in The Sosio Economic Development of Moslem Community
- The Role of The Waqf Institution in Achieving Economic Security
- The Role of Waqf for Environmental Protection in Indonesia
- The Role of Waqf in Improving The Ummah Welfare
- The Sharia-Sompliance of Financial Reporting Practices – a Case Study on Waqf
- The Social and Legislative History of The Islamic Trust (waqf) in Mauritius
- The Socio-Economic Role of Waqf System in The Muslim Ottoman Cities’ Formation and Evolution
- The Waqf and Human Security in Muslim Majority Countries – Traditions, Modern Practices, and Challenges
- The Waqf as a Prop for the Social System (Sixteenth-Twentieth Centuries)
- The Waqf of Muhammad Bey Abu al-Dhahab in Historical Perspective The Wealth and Influence of an Exiled Ottoman Eunuch in Egypt – The Waqf Inventory of ?Abb?s Agha
- Theoretical and trustees’ perspectives on the establishment of an Islamic social (Waqf) bank
- The Social and Legislative History of The Islamic Trust (waqf) in Mauritius
- Toward Effective Legal Regulations and an Enabling Environment for Inalienable Muslim Endowments
- Toward The Revival of Awqaf
- Towards a Comparative Economic History of The Waqf System
- Transitions in The Ottoman Waqfs Traditional Building Upkeep and Maintenance System in Cyprus During the British Colonial Era (1878-1960) and The Emergence of Selective Architectural Conservation Practices
- Understanding The Waqf in The World of The Trust
- Usurious Piety – The Cash Waqf Controversy in the Ottoman Empire
- Wakaf for Beginners
- Waqf – Concept & Integration in Islamic Financial System
- Waqf (Endowment) Practice in Malaysian Society
- Waqf a Quick Overview
- Waqf Accounting and Management in Indonesia Waqf Institution
- Waqf Accounting and management In Indonesian Waqf institutions – The cases of two Waqf Foundations
- Waqf and its Sociopolitical Aspects
- Waqf and Ottoman Welfare Policy. The Poor Kitchen of Hasseki Sultan in Eighteenth-Century Jerusalem
- Waqf and Sociopolitical Aspects
- Waqf and Sustaining Economic Development
- Waqf as a Social Entrepreneurship Model in Islam
- Waqf as an Instrument of Perpetuity – An Assessment
- Waqf Endowments in Daghestani Village Communities – From the 1917 Revolution to the Collectivization
- Waqf Future Funds
- Waqf in Central Asia – Four Hundred Years in the History of a Muslim Shrine, 1480-1889
- Waqf in Historical Perspective – Online fat?w? and Contemporary Discourses by Muslim Scholars
- Waqf in Pakistan – Change in Traditional Institutions
- Waqf Studies in the Twentieth Century – The State of the Art
- Waqf Versus Implied Trust – a Comparison of Form and Substance
- Waqf, Perpetual Charity and Poverty Alleviation
- Waqf-Based Microfinance Realizing The Social Role of Islamic Finance
- Waqfiyyas and Waqf Registers – New Primary Sources for Islamic Architecture
- Waqfs and Urban Structures – The Case of Ottoman Damascus
- Waqfs in East Africa
- Waqfs of Awl?d al-N?s in Aleppo in the Late Maml?k Period as Reflected in a Family Archive
- Women and Waqf – Toward a Reconsideration of Women’s Place in the Mamluk Household
- Zamindars, Inheritance Law and The Spread of The Waqf in The United Provinces at The Turn of The Twentieth Century
Bahasa Arab
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Sangat berguna untuk referensi pengelolaan wakaf